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we are a development and manufacturing organization producing different types and size of ceramic ties. The company was founded in 2010.With 13 years of industryexperience. our companybrings unparalleled expertise,ensuring excellence andreliability in every ceramic tilewe create. Still now, our company growingand establish more units toincrease production andcreating a stunning light in theindustry. Our passion for crafting captivatingspaces is fused with innovative designs, enduringquality, and a touch of magic that brings life toevery room. Elevate your surroundings with us.We provide extensive support to our clients,offering comprehensive assistance, promptresponses, and personalized solutions to ensuretheir satisfaction.With a global footprint,our exquisite ceramiccreations transcendborders, delightinginternational marketsand establishing us as atrusted name in theworld of exports.Ruhi symbolizes ourvalues of passion andexcellence. Representsour dedication tocrafting remarkableceramic products thatinspire beauty, elevatespaces, and leave alasting impression onall who encounterthem.Working with Ruhi Ceramica offers numerousbenefits: a dynamic and collaborative environment,opportunities for personal growth, competitivecompensation, and the satisfaction of contributing toexceptional ceramic creations.PRODUCTION UNIT - 6+PRODUCTION CAPICITY - 50 LAKH SQ METERSDEALER - 328+( both domestic & foreign)EXPORT - 47+ COUNTRYMOTTO OF COMPANY- " Innovation, excellence, and personalized solutions defineour journey in the ceramic industry."
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Type d’entreprise
Pays / région
Produits principauxNombre d’employés total
51 - 100 People
Chiffre d’affaires total
Below US$1 Million
Année de création
Certifications de produits
Principaux marchés